Export to HAR File unsuccessful: Error while processing HAR file: j.n.c.lllegalCharsetNameException: "utf-8". See logs for more information

While filling contact us form in the http://automationpractice.com/index.php :

  1. click on contact us button
  2. Fill in: Subject Heading - Webmaster, Email Address, Order reference, Message
  3. Click Send button
  4. click logo (Your Logo new experience)
  5. Save all as HAR with content

When I try to import it to Recorder I get the error:

"Export to HAR File unsuccessful: Error while processing HAR file: j.n.c.lllegalCharsetNameException: “utf-8”.

See logs for more information"

Can somebody help with this?

Please provide your HAR file.

Here is the HAR file.
Thanks for reaching out!

automationpractice.com.har.text (2.42 MB)

I was not able to send it as automationpractice.com.har, so I renamed it to automationpractice.com.har.text
Please just remove .text from the end when download the file.

That was a bug indeed: https://github.com/gatling/gatling/issues/4094

Ok, thanks for solving it.
How can I use your fix? Do I need to wait until version 3.6.0 is released?
Or do I update somehow the Maven dependency? Where to update it and to what?



1.8 1.8 UTF-8 ${project.version} 3.1.1 3.2.0 4.4.0 io.gatling.highcharts gatling-charts-highcharts ${gatling.version} io.gatling gatling-app ${gatling.version} io.gatling gatling-recorder ${gatling.version} maven-jar-plugin ${maven-jar-plugin.version} net.alchim31.maven scala-maven-plugin ${scala-maven-plugin.version} testCompile -Xss100M -target:jvm-1.8 -deprecation -feature -unchecked -language:implicitConversions -language:postfixOps io.gatling gatling-maven-plugin ${gatling-maven-plugin.version}

Either wait for the next release or clean up your HAR and remove the double quote sometimes wrapping the utf-8 charset.