Extend number of concurrent request

Gatling version: 3.11.5
Gatling flavor: java
Gatling build tool: maven

I’m running a simulation where after I receive the response I block the request checking a database to ensure result of the request in the platform was fine, since platform works async.

I’m finding that the speed of the database is dragging the TPS that I’m running and is getting stuck in 8 concurrent request, which most likely it’s related with default thread pool that is the number of cores I have.

I cannot find the documentaton explaining how to extend that number to unlimit since my machine can accept thousand of concirrent threads.

trying to add some akka config that I see in your defaults conf files does not help.

How can change that behavior to Cache thread pool or being able to set a very big number?


Last time I checked, the threads are Netty event loops. You really should not block them.
And I don’t think Gatling supports async checks.

You can probably do the DB stuff in another action. And do the check in that action instead.

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