Hi there (again),
For the adventurous souls willing to walk on the wild side, we’ve just uploaded a timestamp of the Gatling 2 branch.
Please help and send feedback so we can polish it before 2.0.0-M3!
The binaries can be found in Excilys’ Nexus:
This version is not documented aside from what can be found in the bug tracker: https://github.com/excilys/gatling/issues?milestone=36&page=1&state=closed
The most notable changes are:
- fixed during loop (was broken in 2.0.0-M2) https://github.com/excilys/gatling/issues/1140
- Session methods renamed https://github.com/excilys/gatling/issues/1175#issuecomment-18208429
- removed SSP support https://github.com/excilys/gatling/issues/1211
- refactored Body and BodyPart APIs https://github.com/excilys/gatling/issues/1238