Gatling 2.2.3 is out!

Hi there,

The Gatling team and I are very proud to announce that Gatling 2.2.3 is out, along with new releases of our other components:

  • gatling 2.2.3
  • gatling-highcharts 2.2.3
  • gatling-maven-plugin 2.2.1
  • gatling-sbt-plugin 2.2.1
  • gatling-jenkins-plugin 1.2.1
    This release brings tons of bug fixes, please check the release note for the full list.

Thanks a lot to all the external contributors who helped with it, you rock:

Greg Box

We hope you’ll enjoy it!

Great news, and thanks for this!

I do however face an issue which I am not sure whether the source lies within my IDE (IntelliJ Idea 14, with the official Scala plugin) or any of the Gatling parts:
When upgrading my pom.xml to use gatling-2.2.3 instead of 2.2.2, IntelliJ claims that all my defined requests are invalid:

Changing back to 2.2.2 solves the problem. Like I wrote above, this could be an IntelliJ Scala plugin issue or something else because the code actually still executes just fine once I have updated my assertions to match the 2.2.3 version.

Any ideas?


You’re using an old Idea version (they have been using years as versions for some time now).
I use 2016.2.5 Community Edition with latest Scala plugin and I have no such false warnings in Simulations (even though I might have some in Gatling internals on complex things).

JetBrain is known for implementing their own parsers to speed up things, but that strategy often results in false positives or negatives.
In the end, the only compiler that holds the truth is the standard one (scalac) that’s triggered by Gatling (bundle), sbt, or maven.


Thanks Stéphane,

You’re absolutely right. With the current Community Edition installed this is not an issue.

Thanks again.