Gatling 2.0 session.userId property (iterator analog)

hi guys!
Recently we migrated from Gatling 2.0.0-M3a to Gatling 2.0.
previously we used session.userId property as some kind of iterator (counter) in our tests. But in new version output of session.userId has different format.
My question is: is there a new more elegant way of handling this situation in 2.0 OR i need to parse session.userId to extract number of actor?


But in new version output of session.userId has different format.

So you don't end up with duplicates when running a Gatling cluster.

My question is: is there a new more elegant way of handling this situation
in 2.0 OR i need to parse session.userId to extract number of actor?

A simple feeder would do the trick:

feed(Iterator.from(1, _ + 1))