Gatling 2.1.7 SimulationClass not found by gatling-maven-plugin 2.1.7

Hi Guys,

I am trying to upgrade my setup to version 2.1.7. When I use the gatling-maven-plugin (v2.1.7) "gatling:execute" command to start my simulation I am prompted to select one of the available simulation classes in the project while the logs indicate that the correct Simulation class and folder are set to the value I set in my pom.xml in the plugin configuration:


[DEBUG] (f) simulationClass = com.klm.gatling.setup.CheckinAPI
[DEBUG] (f) simulationsFolder = D:\dev\workspace\checkin-api\checkin-api-test-resources\performance-test\src\test\scala

When I use gatling-maven-plugin-2.1.7 with Gatling 2.1.6 I see the same behavior.

If I use the gatling-maven-plugin-2.1.7 and Gatling 2.1.5 in my pom, like:


the configured simulation class is launched as expected.

Did something change in version 2.1.6 that requires me to make some modification somewhere?

Thanks for your help



Does this only happen on Windows?
Does your simulation depend on anything else than Gatling standard imports?

Hi Stephane,

I just checked on my Mac, same problem there. The simulation has no other dependencies then the one below


Also, when I start the simulation by selecting it from the prompted list, I get "Could not locate feeder file", while the feeder file is present in the right location. Seem like somehow all path are messed up...



Did you try to mvn clean first?
Does the demo work for you (it does for me)?

Demo works for me as well, I'll let you know when I find the root cause.

thanks again



Crossing fingers.
Thanks Daniel!


Could the problem be caused by the location of Engine.scala/IDEPathHelper.scale in the project? I moved those from the standard location.



No. Those are only used as main class launchers and are not used when launching from maven.