Hi Jason,
Nice idea!
I’ll try to have a look tomorrow. Could you provide some info so that I can reproduce?
BTW, you wrote “still can’t find jaxen in local repo”, that’s because you have to add Excilys’ repo: http://repository.excilys.com. Latest jaxen is missing from central.
Hi Stephane
I reverted from snapshot to M2. There are some incompatibilities between M2 and SNAPSHOT – build was a little difficult as you can only download an M2 distribution but cloudbees is not hosting a M2 jar. I switched to using jfrog repo, which has M2, now all is fine.
I was also able to quickly get the ProtocolConfigurationRegistry working.
Hi Jason,
Our Cloudbees repository only hosts SNAPSHOTs:
Beware that quite a few things have changed since M2!
We are a bit late on releasing M3 (testing and we’d like to support Grizzly as the underlying engine too). It will be out before the end of next week.