Gatling gradle dependency error

I am using gatling scala, and using play.api.libs.json._ I am working with the Play Framework’s JSON library to create a JSON object.

Here is my build.gradle file, where my dependency is not working

plugins {
  id 'scala'
  id 'io.gatling.gradle' version ''
gatling {
  // WARNING: options below only work when logback config file isn't provided
  logLevel = 'WARN' // logback root level
  logHttp = 'NONE' // set to 'ALL' for all HTTP traffic in TRACE, 'FAILURES' for failed HTTP traffic in DEBUG
repositories {
dependencies {

When running
./gradlew dependencies

I get error

incrementalScalaAnalysisForgatling - Incremental compilation analysis files for gatling
±-- io.gatling.highcharts:gatling-charts-highcharts:3.9.5 FAILED
-– org.scala-lang:scala-library:2.13.11 FAILED

and as a result the import is not working
import play.api.libs.json._

for now I downloaded the Jar and using it as external dependency, which is working.

I suspect you don’t have direct access to the internet so gradle cannot download the libraries. You might have to configure some proxy.

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