Hi, I am new to gatling, I have a test scenario works like:
Loop {
- Run a request at the same time.
- Wait all done and verify it (only one request)
With rendezVous and doIf should fulfill this use case,
it looks like the rendezVous point doesn’t block until all users come.
Any suggestion?
val userIdFeeder = Iterator.from(0).map(i => Map(“id” → i))
val Users = 3
val testScenario = scenario(“test”)
.forever(“round”) {
rendezVous(Users) // make sure request at the same time
s => {
println(String.format("[Round %s] Step 1", s(“round”).as[Integer]))
.pause(500 milliseconds, 2500 milliseconds)
.rendezVous(Users) // wait until all completes, then run checks
.doIf("${id}", “0”) {
s => {
println(String.format("[Round %s] Step 2 – only once\n\n", s(“round”).as[Integer]))