Gatling Scenario Query

Hi Stephane

I am trying to define a scenario using gatling but not success and would appreciate if you can advice me if that’s achievable via gatling or not

let say I want to load test a application for 500 user but I would like to ramp up first 100 user and then run it for 20 minute and then ramps another 100 user and again run it for 20 minute and continue this until all 500 users are ramped up. once all 500 users are up and running then I would like to run the whole simulation scenario for 1 hour.

Is it possible to achieve this via Gatling and if yes then please can you please advice me how ?

Looking forward for your reply


You can do something like this

scenario(“name”).during(160 minutes) {
// your requests
and then setup like

splitUsers(500) into(rampUsers(100) over(20 minutes)) separatedBy(20 minutes)

Thanks that approach work but this scenario using similar time for ramping down user as well. \

scenario(“name”).during(160 minutes) {
// your requests

splitUsers(500) into(rampUsers(100) over(20 minutes)) separatedBy(20 minutes)

I want to ramp total 500 user (by ramping 100 user in 20 minute and run the scenario for 20 minute and then again ramp next set of 20 user and continue until all 500 users are up.

Is it possible to ramping down timing part from this ? how ?
