Need guidance over scenario design

Hi Stephane,

How can I design step-up of 1000 users with the help inject?

First: ramp-up 100 users and each user should take 2 second to rampup so the combined ramp-up time will become 200 sec
Second: ramp-up next set of 100 users with the same configuration given above until it reaches 1000 users.
Third: there should be time difference of 600 second between each user.
Fourth: Hold load for 2 hours than ramp-down all the 1000 users.

In Jmeter I am able to design such scenario but in gatling

splitUsers(1000) into(rampUsers(100) over(200 seconds)) separatedBy(600 seconds)

Where should I put duration of 2 hour when all the 1000 users accessing the application?

//xml navigation

val users = scenario(“ApITesting”).exec(Launch.LaunchURL)
splitUsers(1000) into(rampUsers(100) over(200 seconds)) separatedBy(600 seconds)


You will have to add total time taken for ramping up users.

val users = scenario(“ApITesting”).during(133 minutes ){

splitUsers(1000) into(rampUsers(100) over(200 seconds)) separatedBy(600 seconds)


forgot setup code

users.inject (splitUsers(1000) into(rampUsers(100) over(200 seconds)) separatedBy(600 seconds))
