Yes, I declared these dependencies.
I suppose that I see the reason, some of source jar-s contains only one class (i.e gatling-core
contains source only for class
I assume that this part of the project is not open source.
It is strange, all gatling-* (except gatling-highcharts-*) modules are Open Source. This might be a bug during the release process or something like that
I just checked the 1.2.5 source jars in the excilys repo and, on contrary to the 1.2.4 ones, they only contain the *.java files, not the *.scala ones?!
Let me investigate this (might be a maven plugin regression).
When I normally release, the scala-maven-plugin automatically adds the src/main/scala dir into the reactor and the maven-source-plugin collects it during deploy phase.
When running source:jar, as src/main/scala is not explicitly declared, it is ignored.
I had a crash when deploying 1.2.5 because I messed up with git, so I uploaded the jars manually without noticing the source jars where missing the scala files.