Group Cumulated Response Time remains 0 for the whole test session.


I am running a small load test using websockets. I have a group with separate requests inside. In the results generated, the response time for each separate request in the group is visible while the accumulated response time is being set to 0.

Following is part of the code:

.sendText("""{“messageType”: “getInitialPresenceCount”, “username”: “${currentUser}”}""")
.sendText("""{“messageType”: “tellOthersImOnline”, “username”: “${currentUser}”}""")

The graphs generated for the cumulated response time is as follows:

Then if I go to one of the requests which are part of the group response time is not 0 (For example the following shows the result for the open connection request).

Can you please tell me what is wrong? Thank you.

Jamie Tabone

Group support has simply not been implemented for WebSockets and SSE.
Could you open an issue, please?

I have opened an issue



I’m interested in this feature too. So I’ve subscribed me to this group and to the github issue notifications.
