I have multiple hidden fields that are generated automatically:
And i use regex to collect values:
.check(regex(""“hdnUser” value="([\w=/.\d_%±.]*)"""").findAll.saveAs(“hdnUser”))
I can access “hdnUser” session to get values:
.exec(session => {
var users = session(“hdnUser”).as[Seq[String]]
users.foreach(user => {
Now, I’d like to add them to params dynamically in next post as below, how can i achieve this by using session(“hdnUser”) above?
.param(""“ctl00$PlaceHolderMain$dtlUsers$ctl00$hdnUser”"", “”“pa0"”")
.param(""“ctl00$PlaceHolderMain$dtlUsers$ctl01$hdnUser”"", “”“pa1"”")
.param(""“ctl00$PlaceHolderMain$dtlUsers$ctl02$hdnUser”"", “”“pa2"”")
.param(""“ctl00$PlaceHolderMain$dtlUsers$ctl03$hdnUser”"", “”“pa3"”")
Thanks in advance.
Is it expected that input names and param names differ ($ instead of _)?
ctl00_PlaceHolderMain_dtlUsers_ctl00_hdnUser vs ctl00$PlaceHolderMain$dtlUsers$ctl00$hdnUser
I’m using asp.net and server generate id with “_” and name with “$”. When post to server, it just recognize “$” so we must use “ctl00$PlaceHolderMain$dtlUsers$ctl00$hdnUser” for param in post.
I was able to achieve this by:
var users = session(“hdnUser”).as[Seq[String]]
var b = Seq((“b”,“5”),(“c”,“4”))
var i = 0;
users.foreach(user => {
var name = “ctl00$PlaceHolderMain$dtlUsers$ctl0”+ i.toString +"$hdnUser"
b = b :+ (name, user.name)
i = i + 1;
Thanks for your help.
Oups, sorry.
A proper solution with upcoming version is to use a regex with 2 capture groups (one for name and one for value):
regex("foo(.*)bar(.*)baz").ofType[(String, String)]
and then directly post the pairs:
paramsSeq(seq: Expression[Seq[(String, Any)]])
regex(""“hdnUser” value="([\w=/.\d_%±.]*)"""")…ofType[(String, String)]
throw error:
value ofType is not a member of io.gatling.http.check.HttpMultipleCheckBuilder[CharSequence,String]
regex(""“hdnGroupLevel” value="([\w=/.\d_%±.$]*)"""").ofType[(String, String)],
i’m using Gatling 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT.
You use an old snapshot. HttpMultipleCheckBuilder doesn’t even exist anymore.
I’m get Gatling from Maven:
Sonatype OSS
Where can i get latest?