I’m new to Gatling. How to correlate session IDs to make this script reusable? Of course, running it produces errors with the recorded Session IDs (“looking for [200-209 or 304] getting 411”). Currently 1 user (will add users after this problem solved):
package employeeClockOperation
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import io.gatling.core.Predef._
import io.gatling.http.Predef._
import io.gatling.jdbc.Predef._
//import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory;
class rsClockInThenOutMinimal extends Simulation {
val httpProtocol = http
.inferHtmlResources(BlackList("""….css""", “”"..js""", “”".*.ico"""), WhiteList())
.acceptEncodingHeader(“gzip, deflate”)
.userAgentHeader(“Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:50.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/50.0”)
val headers_0 = Map(
“Company-Namespace” → “”,
“Content-Type” → “application/json”,
“Geoposition” → “”,
“Kiosk-Id” → “”,
“Session-Id” → “”)
val headers_1 = Map(
“Content-Type” → “application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8”,
“Geoposition” → “”,
“Kiosk-Id” → “”,
“Session-Id” → “8b1f64d5-1ec0-48fa-b449-d19b719d698d”) // line 30, repeated below (line 35) & in confirmClockIn (line 88)
val headers_2 = Map(
“Geoposition” → “”,
“Kiosk-Id” → “”,
“Session-Id” → “8b1f64d5-1ec0-48fa-b449-d19b719d698d”) // repeated session ID line 35
val headers_5 = Map(
“Geoposition” → “”,
“Kiosk-Id” → “”,
“Session-Id” → “”)
val headers_7 = Map(
“Content-Type” → “application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8”,
“Geoposition” → “”,
“Kiosk-Id” → “”,
“Session-Id” → “6be2fb1b-0e0a-4501-962c-fd1497c88271”) // line 46, repeated below (line 51) & in confirmClockOut (line 126)
val headers_8 = Map(
“Geoposition” → “”,
“Kiosk-Id” → “”,
“Session-Id” → “6be2fb1b-0e0a-4501-962c-fd1497c88271”) // repeated session id line 51
val uri1 = “http://dmilaptop101:81/api/v0000”
val scn = scenario(“rsClockInThenOutMinimal”).exec(ClockIn.clockIn, ConfirmClockIn.confirmClockIn, ClockOut.clockOut, ConfirmClockOut.confirmClockOut)
// home
object ClockIn {
// clockIn
val clockIn = exec(
object ConfirmClockIn {
// confirmClockIn
val confirmClockIn = exec(
//.check(bodyString.transform(s => s.replaceAll(""", “”)).saveAs(“ClockInSessionId”))
.post("/api/v0000/employeeSessions/8b1f64d5-1ec0-48fa-b449-d19b719d698d/LogOff") //repeated session id line 88
object ClockOut {
// clockOut
val clockOut = exec(
object ConfirmClockOut {
// confirmClockOut
val confirmClockOut = exec(
.post("/api/v0000/employeeSessions/6be2fb1b-0e0a-4501-962c-fd1497c88271/LogOff") // repeated session id, line 126
Thanks in advance for any help with this!