How to get the jsonpath for a field with parenthesis

Hi all,

My json response looks like

“data”: {
“table”: {
“agg1”: [
“month(MMDDYY)”: “1965-04-01”,
“testKEY1”: {
“sum”: “1140301.000000”
“month(MMDDYY)”: “2000-06-01”,
“testKEY1”: {
“sum”: “1253437.000000”

and I need to get the values of “month(MMDDYY)” field. $…agg1[*].[“month(MMDDYY)”] does not work in gatling (it is working in Jayway) . Could you help me get the right jsonpath expression? Thanks

Just found out the solution :slight_smile:


easy peasy