HTTPS Login Request

Dear all forumers, I had a login request which is https protocol. How to code it? I had search online but found nothing. Hope someone can help.

Gatling version: 3.11.5
Gatling flavor: java
Gatling build tool: maven

From the scripting pov, the only difference between HTTP and HTTPS is an s in the scheme.
I don’t understand how and why you’re struggling.
Please share what you’ve done and how you’re struggling.

Dear forumers, I had coded the folling task.

public class orangehrm extends Simulation{

    // Add the HttpProtocolBuilder:
    HttpProtocolBuilder httpProtocol =

    // Add the ScenarioBuilder:
    ScenarioBuilder homepageScenario = scenario("Homepage Street Testing Scenario")
            .exec(http("Homepage Request").get("/"));


As you can see from the website, the login request is essential to all subsequent request.


  1. Test https login request
  2. Use the https login request cookie for subsequent request

Please help me. I’m totlly newbie here.

So I guess you have no idea how your login works, correct?
Are you a student? Don’t you have somebody to train you?

In this case, I recommend that you learn the basics of HTTP and then use the developper tools in your browser (Network tab) to figure out how your authentication actually works. Is it a simple form POST that returns a cookies? It is something more complex like OAuth?

You can also try our Recorder.

I understand how https POST method works but I don;t know how to translate it into Gatling code. I don’t know how to download Gatling recorder (What is the link to download Gatling recorder).

I assume that you were watching Naveen’s tutorial on Gatling script.
Let me clarify on some points first:

  • Do you know the concept of an API yet ?
  • Are you familiar with Postman yet ?

Let me know so that I can help you further in approaching Gatling.

I know API.
I familiar with postman.

Then, check the basic components of Postman such as Header, request body, then follow this doc

to create a full request.
It is advised to use gatling-java.

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