Hi dear community my code looks like this, it is served for accepting all information from cmd
The issue is that I would like to understand how to combine these two methods into one
object InjectionProfileParser {
def parse(profile: String): OpenInjectionStep = {
val pattern: Regex = "\\w+".r
pattern.findFirstIn(profile) match {
case Some("atOnceUsers") => atOnceUsers(config.users)
case Some("rampUsers") => rampUsers(config.users).during(config.duration.seconds)
case Some("constantUsersPerSec") => constantUsersPerSec(config.users) during (config.duration.seconds)
case Some("rampUsersPerSec") => rampUsersPerSec(config.users).to(config.maxUsers).during(config.duration.seconds)
case Some("stressPeakUsers") => stressPeakUsers(config.users).during(config.duration.seconds)
//case Some("rampConcurrentUsers")
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid injection profile: $profile")
def parseClosed(profile: String): ClosedInjectionStep = {
val pattern: Regex = "\\w+".r
pattern.findFirstIn(profile) match {
case Some("constantConcurrentUsers") => constantConcurrentUsers(config.users).during(config.duration.seconds)
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid injection profile: $profile")
below is example how I call it.
class Api_test_surfing_no_auth extends Simulation {
private val load_surfing_no_auth = Scenario_surfing_no_auth.scenario_surfing_no_auth
Any ideas?