Not understanding injection model

Hi everyone.
I’m trying to use gatling to test some application and I’m facing a little understanding issue with what I expect to do.
I’m using gatling 3.3.1, but it is more about the concept than about technical things.

I’ve tried the several increment…perSec thing or ramping injection model but I cannot achieve my goal.

What I would like to do, is to run a simulation, that increase the number of users or request to a specific number, but not every seconds
I would like to increment the number of execution of my scenario every 5 second by 1 for example.
Then my result would be numbers like that:
At start, 1 user make a request.
After 5 seconds, 1 user is injected so 2 users execute 1 request each
After 10 seconds, 1 user is injected so 3 users execute 1 request each

After 15 seconds, 1 user is injected so 4 users execute 1 request each

After 20 seconds, 1 user is injected so 5 users execute 1 request each

In this scenario, after 25 second, I would have in the graphs a total of 1+2+3+4+5 = 15 requests executed.

Is it possible to achieve this ?

Thank you in advance

Injection controls injection = when users are started.
Scenario controls when each user executes requests

val scn = scenario(“foo”).repeat(5) {

setUp(scn.inject(rampUsers(5) during(20))).maxDuration(25)