Integrate Gatling project into Eclipse

I have created Gatling project using Archetypes by running command “mvn archetype:generate” from here
Now I am trying to import that project into Eclipse as existing maven project. When I import it as existing maven project I get the error:

An internal error occurred during: “Importing Maven projects”.

Should I import project another way?

I have some updates: I created new project with gatling archetype and ran command “mvn clean install”. Then I imported proejct into Eclipse as existing maven project and created the same test as in demo project here
Then I ran file Engine.scala as Scala Application but nothing happened, you can see the output on the screenshot. I can also see it shows “computerdatabase.
BasicSimulation” as a path to the test file but there is no “computerdatabase” directory in project. Could anyone explain how to fix those issues, please?