Is there a way to push response times via Graphite Data Writer


I’m implementing real-time monitoring for my project. I have enabled the Graphite data writer in gatling.conf file and noticed only the metrics below are being pushed.

time count max mean min percentiles50 percentiles75 percentiles95 percentiles99 request simulation status stdDev

----                ----- --- ---- --- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------                  ----------    ------ ------
1485784307000000000 3     23  21   21  21            21            23            23            addNewComputer           computerworld all    0
1485784307000000000 3     26  23   22  22            22            26            26            postComputers_Redirect_1 computerworld ok     1

Is there any possibility to get the timestamps of the requests like we do get in the simulation.log to plot the response times and response time distribution.

Anyone, please help me out.

Go the clarity from here:
