Hi. I am now experimenting with Graphite write in Gatling 2.1.4.
I would like to send some additional graphite metrics of my own (e.g. JDBC pool statistics, etc.), so, is there any reusable graphite-related infrastructure in Gatling I can use?
The reasons are obvious - I do not want to repeat code which is already present there, such is connecting to graphite server, using of path prefix, configuration… you know.
Thank you guys for any information.
My understanding is that you would need to push this additional data to the graphite protocol yourself which is pretty easy in Python for example.
I also get the feeling that there has been a move away from a Graphite backend towards InfluxDB.
Hey, thank you for your post.
As I understand it, InfluxDB is only a one possible consumer for graphine protocol, which is universal.
I guess I will need to get access to Graphite writer and send my own messages to it.
I guess I will need to get access to Graphite writer and send my own messages to it.
I’d extract the data you need, format it into a graphite message and push it to the carbon port on 2003. And you’ll probably need a JVM language to get the stats you need.
As I understand it, InfluxDB is only a one possible consumer for graphine protocol,
My knowledge is limited here but I believe InfluxDB stores the Graphite messages that are pushed through Carbon. I think the default Graphite database is Whisper.
I have a Grafana/InfluxDB set-up here.
docker run -d -p 8081:8081 --name grafana aidylewis/grafana
docker run -d
-p 8083:8083 -p 8084:8084 -p 8086:8086 -p 2003:2003
-e PRE_CREATE_DB=“gatling;grafana” --name influxdb davey/influxdb:latest
JMXtrans and friends.
Hey, thanks for JMX trans, it looks great. Is there anything more gatling-specific so I can use its graphite configuration and just send some numbers right away? Is JMX trans used in Gatling?
Gatling has its own Graphite reporter.
Now I see here:
You are using a TCP sender and posting metric messages to it, can it be accessed in scenario and reused please?