j.n.ConnectException: connect(..) failed: Address not available


Running Gatling 3.7.4 i got the error below

HTTP response:
[DEBUG] i.g.h.e.r.DefaultStatsProcessor - Request 'XXXX' failed for user XXXX: j.n.ConnectException: connect(..) failed: Address not available
[DEBUG] i.g.h.e.r.DefaultStatsProcessor - >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Could guide me to define what is happening and where it could come from ?


Are you able to send the said request via curl? The error message is pretty clear, the address is not available. Maybe a resolution error/VPN needed etc. Try with curl and see if you can send the request from the same machine where you run gatling from.

Thanks for your reply
By bad i forgot to mention , the test is running properly but i get this error when reaching some load ( bottlenek ? )


Then its not gatling, it would be your end of things.

You’re most likely running out of ephemeral ports because you’re using the default TCP stack tuning. Please read Gatling - Operations