> j.n.SocketException: Network is down

Could someone help to resolve this error. It’s a simple test and I’m running macOS 14, intelliJ, openJDK17.

It look to me that the error message is pretty clear: your network was down at the time of the test.

I’m sure the network is available because my local test runs with webdriverio is running in headless mode.
Do you think any java settings needs change ?

You’re the first one to ever report this issue.

This is caused by something on your machine and you don’t explain anything about your setup.
I guess you’re in a corporate environment with lots of security constraints: no internet access, possibly some cyber security software running on your computer that blocks connections, etc.

Are you able to hit with Gatling an internal endpoint in your private network, instead of google.com?

It is not about Java settings as I’m currently using openJDK 17 as you are, default settings.

Per @slandelle said and through my experience, you may get network I/O blocking due to security constraints, also you can try to check which port that Gatling has been using, was it the same with your webdriverio test ?

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Yeah, thats right,. I’m in corporate network. I cant hit any of the urls from gatling project.

I can’t find a solution to get this working and I’m new to automation. Could you guide me to find the port that’s being used by webdriverio. I checked the config file for webdriverio but I couldn’t find any. Thanks.

That’s something for you to ask internally: how does webdriverio manage to connect to websites on the internet?
Does it grab the configuration of your browser (which is automatically configured on boot with a pac file)? Is it configured for you by your desktop admins?
If you have something like a proxy to configure, you must configure it as well in Gatling: Gatling HTTP protocol reference - Recorder

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Sure, thank you.
I had to set proxy with credentials in the simulation code and that worked!

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