MMmh… this is not an OS… I assume it’s your docker base image. Sadly, I cannot find this image.
I found a similar name: adoptopenjdk/openjdk11:jre-11.0.11_9-alpine does not contains bash and is a jre (need a jdk)
You use Docker Container or what ?
I’m little confused because we don’t have full information “where and how” you try to run Gatling.
Without that we cannot try to reproduce this behavior what you shown.
There’s nothing we can do with this Docker image, it’s a third party.
We can only help and investigate problems with pure Gatling official components.
If you can reproduce your issue with the Gatling bundle on a Linux box and provide a procedure, we’ll be able to help.
Otherwise, please directly reach out to this Docker image’s author.
Also, it would have saved a lot of time to everyone trying to help you if you had explained you were using a third party Docker image in the first place. That’s why we require a reproducer as explained here.
but just to complete the info , when i run gatling without " -rm local " Gatling is showing me the possibilite to select :
[1] Run the Simulation locally
[2] Run the Simulation on Gatling Enterprise Cloud
[3] Package the Simulation for Gatling Enterprise
but running with “-rm local” i get the first error has explained
Error: Could not find or load main class
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: null