I have an application that listens on messages on one queue and sends a message to a topic, I’m using Apache MQ. I would like to load test this application using Gatling. I’m new to both Scala and Gatling. My application will create the topic name based on the incoming message. When I in my test hard code values for the topic name in replyDestination all works fine:
val scn = scenario(“JMS DSL test”)
jms(“req reply testing”).reqreply
.objectMessage(createMessage(“market”, “country”))
def checkBodyTextCorrect(m: Message) = {
m match {
case tm: TextMessage => tm.getText.size > 0
case _ => false
But what I really want to do is to supply the market and country values through a feeder something like:
val scn = scenario("JMS DSL test")
.exec(session => {
val market = session(“market”).as[String]
val country = session(“country”).as[String]
.set(“objectMessage”, createMessage(market, country))
.set(“topic”, topic(s"CARETRACK/GLOBAL/Integration/Actor/1_0/${market}/${country}"))
jms(“req reply testing”).reqreply
def checkBodyTextCorrect(m: Message) = {
m match {
case tm: TextMessage => tm.getText.size > 0
case _ => false
But since replyDestination() cant handle EL expressions (and not topic() either) it doesn’t work. Is there some other way that I can get the replyDestination() call to use the topic set in the session?