Need Help for Gatling JMS scenario with IBM MQ topic and mapMessage using Send


Need Help for Gatling JMS scenario with IBM MQ topic and mapMessage using Send

When I’m trying to build the scenario with jms, send method and queue, we also have topic to include in scenario along with mapMessage.

I couldn’t able to build the scenario with send and topic getting the errors and there is no mapMessage option to send message.

Need help to build scenario to build with send,queue,topic and mapMessage.

// JMS configuration for IBM MQ
val jmsConfigMQ1 = connectionFactoryName(“DEFAULT_IBM”)

// configuration for MQ-HOST-1
setUp(scn.inject(rampUsers(40) over(1 seconds))

val scn= scenario(“Load testing GPRS InboundQueue on MQ-HOST-3 with MessageID109”).
exec(jms(“JMS Test”).send
.queue(“GPRS_MESSAGES.QUEUE”).destination(topic(“need to know how pass topic name”))
property(“x”, “y”)