Getting the below error while doing this step “Resolving dependencies with Coursier”. Few dependencies got downloaded but below ones fail.
Does anyone know where these dependencies are stored in macOS.
Is it possible to manually download and place it in those folder to get the tests running.
‘Resolution error: Error downloading io.gatling:gatling-enterprise-plugin-commons:1.9.6\n’ +
’ not found: /Users//.ivy2/local/io.gatling/gatling-enterprise-plugin-commons/1.9.6/ivys/ivy.xml\n’ +
’ download error: Caught (Operation timed out) while downloading h-t-t-p-s://\n’ +
‘Error downloading org.graalvm.polyglot:js-community:24.0.2\n’ +
’ not found: /Users//.ivy2/local/org.graalvm.polyglot/js-community/24.0.2/ivys/ivy.xml\n’ +
’ download error: Caught (Operation timed out) while downloading h-t-t-p-s://\n’ +
‘Error downloading io.gatling:gatling-jvm-to-js-adapter:3.12.0\n’ +
’ not found: /Users//.ivy2/local/io.gatling/gatling-jvm-to-js-adapter/3.12.0/ivys/ivy.xml\n’ +
’ download error: Caught (Operation timed out) while downloading h-t-t-p-s://\n’ +
‘Error downloading io.gatling.highcharts:gatling-charts-highcharts:3.12.0\n’ +
’ not found: /Users//.ivy2/local/io.gatling.highcharts/gatling-charts-highcharts/3.12.0/ivys/ivy.xml\n’ +
’ download error: Caught (Operation timed out) while downloading h-t-t-p-s://\n’