I am testing an application that has an async call. I send a message to ActiveMq via Gatling and I need to check the results in an async way.
The check can be done in by verifying a file exists in aws s3 bucket
My scenario looks like this:
al scn: ScenarioBuilder = scenario("Report generation")
.group("Wait for file to be generated") {
asLongAs(session => !notGenerated(session))(
.exec(session => pollGeneratedReportAWS(session))
private def pollGeneratedReportAWS(session: Session): Session = {
try {
val credentials: InstanceProfileCredentialsProvider = InstanceProfileCredentialsProvider.createAsyncRefreshingProvider(true)
val s3: AmazonS3 = AmazonS3ClientBuilder.standard.withRegion(Regions.EU_WEST_1).withCredentials(credentials).build
val keyName: String = "name"
val o: S3Object = s3.getObject("bucket", keyName)
val content: S3ObjectInputStream = o.getObjectContent
val fos = new FileOutputStream(new File(keyName))
val read_buf = new Array[Byte](1024)
var read_len = 0
while ((read_len = content.read(read_buf)) > 0) {
fos.write(read_buf, 0, read_len)
session.set("successful", true)
} catch {
case _: Throwable => session.set("successful", false)
I want to measure how long does it take for the file to be published in aws but the problem is that in the report the exec that I have in my code is not reported.
Do you know how can i include in the report the custom exec block that i wrote?
Simulation file looks like this
RUN perf.gatling.transactionexporter.simulations.TriggerSimulation triggersimulation 1648117671430 3.7.5
USER Report generation START 1648117672148
REQUEST Send Report Trigger 1648117672200 1648117672215 OK
GROUP Wait for file to be generated 1648117672218 1648117673240 0 OK
USER Report generation END 1648117673242
But the Wait for file to be generated exec isn’t present in the report generated.