Missing Gatling dependency: gatling-charts-highcharts:

Gatling version: 3.11.5
Gatling flavor: java kotlin scala javascript typescript
Gatling build tool: maven gradle sbt bundle npm

I’ve picked the latest available tag for gatling-gradle-plugin, which was at the time, to integrate into my project. Unfortunately not all dependencies are available, including gatling-charts-highcharts. 3.11.5 is available at Central Repository: io/gatling/highcharts/gatling-charts-highcharts/3.11.5, but not the minor version. Should I stick to 3.11.5 as a version? Is this documented somewhere? I couldn’t get orientation about which specific version to use, so I went with the latest available tag at the time.

You don’t get the versioning scheme right:

M.m.f.g where:

  • M = Gatling major version
  • m = Gatling minor version
  • f: Gatling fix version
  • g: gatling-gradle-plugin patch

We have this versioning scheme because this plugin automatically adds the Gatling libraries in the classpath so users need to be able to quickly figure out which Gatling version it pulls by default. But we need the g because we sometimes need to patch the plugin itself without changing the Gatling default version.

Note: we’ve just release Gatling 3.12.0 along with gatling-gradle-plugin 3.12.0.

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I noticed 3.12.0, I’ll consider updating to it.

Thanks for clarifying the versioning scheme. I think there is a bug on the Gradle plugin then, because it depends using the full version (plugin adding the dependency and version being injected).

I think there is a bug…

Sorry, I don’t get what you’re trying to say. As required, please provide a reproducer demonstrating your problem.

  1. clone GitHub - gatling/gatling-gradle-plugin-demo-java
  2. run, observe that it’s running Gatling 3.12.0 (no deprecation warn)
  3. force gatlingVersion '3.11.5' in build.gradle, observe that it’s now running Gatling 3.11.5
  4. force gatlingVersion '3.11.54 in build.gradle, observe that it’s now running Gatling 3.11.4

You can also checkout a previous commit to restore id 'io.gatling.gradle' version '' and redo the test with this previous plugin version. It will work as well, with the default Gatling version being 3.11.5 as expected.

Indeed, sorry, if I had used the demo project to investigate and reproduce my issue it would be clearer it’s not an error on Gatling’s side. Sorry for the trouble.

I’ve even found the code that defines the dependencies version: gatling-gradle-plugin/src/main/groovy/io/gatling/gradle/GatlingPluginExtension.groovy at v3.11.5.2 · gatling/gatling-gradle-plugin · GitHub.

I have a custom setup on my project that requires dependencies to be explicit set, and I notice the pattern of versions repeating themselves and added all transitive dependencies using the same version number, but that’s not how it works. Indeed the plugin follows M.m.f.g versioning but declares dependencies on M.m.f module.

Thanks for the patience and help.

Glad you got it sorted out.