Modularising /chaining scenarios


I have tried to implement a process running scenarios in sequence using the method described in :

We have a number of scenarios that will be running in parallel, but there are a few that will need to be run in sequence, i.e scn1, then scn2 then scn3

ive tried this

package CommPayPerfTest

import CommPayPerfTest.Configuration._
import CommPayPerfTest.Components.Common._
import CommPayPerfTest.Scenarios._
import CommPayPerfTest.Scenarios.CommPay.PerfTestApi._
import io.gatling.core.structure.{ChainBuilder, ScenarioBuilder}

import io.gatling.core.Predef._
import io.gatling.http.Predef._
import scala.concurrent.duration._

// Use this for developing a scenario in isolation
class StatementSimulation extends Simulation {

val httpProtocol = Config.getHttpProtocol(http)

val statementRecords = exec(StatementRecord)
val statementImport = exec(StatementImport)

val modular = Seq (statementRecords,statementImport)

val scn1 = scenario (“Scenario 1”).exec(modular)



// .inject(atOnceUsers(1))



but it fails with this error:

12:13:14.968 [ERROR] i.g.c.ZincCompiler$ - C:\Gatling\Commpay-PerformanceTesting\user-files\simulations\CommPayPerfTest\Scenarios\CommPay\PerfTestApi\StatementScenarios.scala:20:28: overloaded method value exec with alternatives:
(scenario: io.gatling.core.structure.ScenarioBuilder)io.gatling.core.structure.ChainBuilder
(chains: Iterable[io.gatling.core.structure.ChainBuilder])io.gatling.core.structure.ChainBuilder
(chains: Iterator[io.gatling.core.structure.ChainBuilder])io.gatling.core.structure.ChainBuilder
(chains: io.gatling.core.structure.ChainBuilder*)io.gatling.core.structure.ChainBuilder
(actionBuilder: io.gatling.core.action.builder.ActionBuilder)io.gatling.core.structure.ChainBuilder
(sessionFunction: io.gatling.core.session.Expression[io.gatling.core.session.Session])io.gatling.core.structure.ChainBuilder
cannot be applied to (CommPayPerfTest.Scenarios.CommPay.PerfTestApi.StatementRecord.type)
val statementRecords = exec(StatementRecord)

any ideas i thought this would be straightforward…)

Shazad Dad​

Senior Tester

Tel: +441926621417

1 Kingmaker Court, Warwick Technology Park, Gallows Hill,
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It says “cannot be applied to (CommPayPerfTest.Scenarios.CommPay.PerfTestApi.StatementRecord.type)”. Hence, I suspect StatementRecord and StatementImport are actually objects while they should be vals of defs with a chain inside.

thank you for your response,
i changed the simulation so it calls the object and then then defs like

val statementRecords = exec(StatementRecord.createStatementRecord)
val statementImport = exec(StatementImport.importStatements)

val modular = Seq (statementRecords,statementImport)

val scn1 = scenario (“Scenario 1”).exec(modular)



// .inject(atOnceUsers(1))


it compiles which is better news, but it only runs the second scenario ‘Statement Import’ - not the first one statementrecords.?

Shazad Dad​

Senior Tester

Tel: +441926621417

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Thats now working thanks

Shazad Dad​

Senior Tester

Tel: +441926621417

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just an additional question related to this, when creating a sequence of scenarios can i still use the individual scenario set in the simulation or would it need to use a single generic feeder file?

Shazad Dad​

Senior Tester

Tel: +441926621417

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