OAuth User call

Hi All,
I am using gatling with gradle to test my spring rest api
We are using OAuth 2.0 to fetch token for the rest api calls.

My test case is to
Pass different token for different user

I have two scenarios

scenario is to get token for rest api and to get token from post method “token” and give request for rest api

val scn = scenario(“Post Method”)
http(baseUrl + “/Server/oauth/token”)
.post(baseUrl + “/Server/oauth/token”)
.check(status is 200)
.exec(http(getUrl + “, ${token}”)
.get(baseUrl + getUrl)
.header(“Authorization”,“Bearer ${token}”)
.check(status is 200)

When I gave setUp(scn.inject(atOnceUsers(5))).protocols(httpProtocol)
loop executes 5 times and 5 tokens are generated but only the last token is passed to another scenario for all users and requests

Please let me how to execute and get each token for each user in setup and pass it to another scenario