object excilys is not a member of package com


I discovered Gatling today, I’m really interested so I tried a simple simulation.
I copied the BasicExampleSimulation.scala file and built a new class on it with some few changes.
But when I launched > gatling.sh.
I have 10 error similar to: “object excilys is not a member of package com”.
But when I remove my new file from the simulation\basic folder, gatling.sh is working again.
I don’t understand why my simulation result in some errors as far as I changed only the arguments of http() and get() in it.
I guess that it’s a problem with the Scala language (I’m new in it) but can someone help me please ?



The wiki is still about Gatling 1, Gatling 2 is a work in progress (milestones) and there’s a dedicated wiki page about it: https://github.com/excilys/gatling/wiki/Gatling%202

You can run as is a Gatling 1 simulation with Gatling 2. Either migrate of stick to Gatling 1.



Thanks for your answer :slight_smile:
I downloaded Gatling 1 and ran my simulation with it and it’s OK.

