passing the seq in foreach assigned to the variable

Hi Team,

I am able to fetch the request of the session validation

exec { session => {
  val fulfillOrderId = session("fulfillOrderId").as[String]
    .set(s"${fulfillOrderId}_containerList", session("containerList").as[Seq[String]])

here fulfillOrderId=1440794

Hence session value is correcly fetching as “1440794_containerList → Vector(D10421))”

But when I retrieve and use this in foreach loop, it is not accepting.

exec {
  session =>
    val fulfill = session.get("fulfillOrderId").as[String]
    val abc = fulfill + "_containerList"
    val x: Seq[String] = session.get(s"${fulfill}_containerList".toString).as[Seq[String]]
    exec {
         // println("hi"+"*******************")
          session =>

            exec {
          foreach(x, "containerNumber") {
            println("Inside for looping" + "${containerNumber}" + "*****" + fulfill + "******" + abc)
            exec {
              //Assign container

Here the value x is printing as expected (x:Vector(D10421)) But it is not getting subsituted in sequence.

Can you please help me how to pass the sequence in foreach

Since the “println” isn’t a part of the Gatling DSL, it’s unlikely it’ll know how to deal with the “${containerNumber}”. Can you try this instead ?

   println("Inside for looping" + session("containerNumber").as[String] + "*****" + fulfill + "******" + abc)


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Thanks Aju for your reply.

def assignContainers() =
  exec {
    session =>
      val fulfill = session.get("fulfillOrderId").as[String]
      val abc = fulfill + "_containerList"
      val x: Seq[String] = session.get(s"${fulfill}_containerList".toString).as[Seq[String]]
      exec {
           // println("hi"+"*******************")
            session =>
              exec {
            foreach(x, "containerNumber") {
              println("Inside for looping1" + session("containerNumber").as[String] + "*****" + fulfill + "******" + abc)
              exec {
                //Assign container
                      > "operationType": "assign",
                      > "containers": [
                      >   {
                      >     "containerNumber": "${containerNumber}",
                      >     "temperatureBandCode": 4,
                      >     "containerLocationName":"LOCATION",
                      >     "fulfillOrderId":${fulfillOrderId}
                      >   }
                      > ]
                  .header(HttpHeaderNames.Accept, HttpHeaderValues.ApplicationJson)
                  .header(HttpHeaderNames.AcceptLanguage, "en-${countryCode}")
                  .header("X-countryCode", "${countryCode}")
                  .header("X-nodeId", "${nodeId}")
                  .header("X-consumerId", "E2E")
                  .header("X-UserId", "${fulfillOrderId}")

Even now, it is not wokring. I am unable to go inside the foreach loop

I tried foreach(x,"containerNumber) and foreach(x.seq, “containerNumber”) both seems not working. what else I am missing.