Picking the 8 first occurrence in a JSON response

given my working simulation, this gives me all the occurrences of instances in a json response:




and this gives me the fist one in the same response:




but how can I get just the 8 first occurrences?

This does not work:





Can you not do a ‘take’ or a ‘dropWhile’ on the full collection or something?

From JsonPath’s spec: http://goessner.net/articles/JsonPath/

Thanks guys,


Is it possible to combine ?(@.activationDate==null with [0:8]

in one expression?

I have







something like:

.check(*jsonPath*(**"$.membershipCoupons[?(@.membershipId=='${MemberId}')].coupons[?(@.activationDate==null) &&** **[0:8]****].offerId"**).findAll.optional.saveAs(**"itemList"**))
