Problems with json response and several instances of an object. Correlating.

I have a request that returns a json body which I only want to capture one of two objects. I want to count the number of occurrences for the membershipId:32041428 below, not number of occurrences for the second mebershipId: 8315319241

earlier this worked fine (


but now the responses could contain more than one membership, and I only want to capture the number of offerids for the mebershipId I parameterize with my .csv with column ${medlem}


“resultCode”: “SUCCESS”,
“errorCode”: null,
“errorMessage”: null,
“membershipId”: “32041428”,
“offerId”: “000C291EE9241ED4AAF45058D8564910”,
“description”: “merchant1”,
“width”: 400,
“height”: 200,
“quality”: “Low”,
“url”: “https://site/02_201506_011/000C291EE8241ED4AAF43058D8564910Low.jpg
“width”: 900,
“height”: 600,
“quality”: “High”,
“url”: “https://site/02_201506_011/000C291EE8241ED4AAF43058D8564910High.jpg
“endTime”: 1423353600000,
“activationDate”: 1423579699407,
“redemption”: null
“membershipId”: “8315319241”,
“offerId”: “000C291EE8241ED4AAF43058D85CA910”,
“description”: “merchant2”,
“width”: 400,
“height”: 200,
“quality”: “Low”,
“url”: “https://site/02_201506_011/000C291EE8241ED4AAF43058D85CA910Low.jpg
“width”: 900,
“height”: 600,
“quality”: “High”,
“url”: “https://site/02_201506_011/000C291EE8241ED4AAF43058D85CA910High.jpg


I tried to put the parameter for the ‘in-session’ member like this:

I did use
and I made it work there with this:



But if I hard-code this into my Simulation it does not work…


Now I am very close. I have set the member ‘in session’ and I managed to print it.

Now I just want to do a jsonPath .check (and saveAs) with the condition of the members in session.


val scn = scenario("Scenario")
    .exec(_.set("itemList", Seq.empty[Int]))

    //get token

        .header( "X-Token", "${token}" )

  .exec(session => {
    val str = session("medlem").as[String]
    session.set("str", str)

  .exec(session => {

        .header("X-Token", "${token}")


    .doIf(session => ! session("itemList").as[Seq[String]].isEmpty)
  foreach("${itemList}", "item")
    exec(session => {


The line I need help to find out is this:




How do I include the “str” into the jsonPath check?

membershipId is a String in your JSON payload, nor a number.

Now I am down to this working:








gives me the offers for the two members in the json response.

But doing this does not work:




as in hardcoding it.

The json response is:


“resultCode”: “SUCCESS”,
“errorCode”: null,
“errorMessage”: null,
“membershipId”: “183346852”,
“offerId”: “000C291EE8241ED4AAF43058D851C910”,
“description”: “marchant1”,
“width”: 400,
“height”: 200,
“quality”: “Low”,
“url”: “https://site/02_201506_011/000C291EE8241ED4AAF43058D851C910Low.jpg
“width”: 900,
“height”: 600,
“quality”: “High”,
“url”: “https://site/02_201506_011/000C291EE8241ED4AAF43058D851C910High.jpg
“endTime”: 1423353600000,
“activationDate”: null,
“redemption”: null
“membershipId”: “8315320325”,
“offerId”: “000C291EE8241ED4AAF43058D855A910”,
“description”: “marchant2”,
“width”: 400,
“height”: 200,
“quality”: “Low”,
“url”: “https://site/02_201506_011/000C291EE8241ED4AAF43058D855A910Low.jpg
“width”: 900,
“height”: 600,
“quality”: “High”,
“url”: “https://site/02_201506_011/000C291EE8241ED4AAF43058D855A910High.jpg
“endTime”: 1423353600000,
“activationDate”: null,
“redemption”: null


I want to get there where i can say:




Ans gatling uses the ‘str’ in session to do the check and save the offerid’s for that (‘str’) memberId.

Yes, but I do make it to a string in my session like this:


.exec(session => {
  val str = session("medlem").as[String]
  session.set("str", str)


before I do the check.

Point by point I do:




then I pick a value from ‘medlemmer.csv’:


.exec(session => {
  val str = session("medlem").as[String]
  session.set("str", str)


I can print the value here with:


.exec(session => {


The I do the getList() and then I try to fetch offereId’s for the memberId in ‘str’

like this:


    .header("X-Token", "${token}")



But I am not sure how to state this in scala…

the part:




I just inform that this works using ‘${MemberId}’


