Problem with not working assertions.


I have a problem with assertions, maybe I’m doing something wrong but I don’t have any ideas where I should look for a fix.

So my solution looks like this:
I have a function for creating the scenario

object Utils {
        def createScenario(name:String,chains:ChainBuilder*):ScenarioBuilder={

Then I have my scenario 

object Product {

  def reportScenario(duration:DurationInt,exitAsap:Boolean=false)  = {
    during(duration.seconds, "counter", exitAsap) {
        http("Get Cost")
            StringBody(BodyStrings.ByProduct(Constants.startDate, Constants.endDate,
              s"""  "Tenant":["${Tenants.*User*} "]""",
              """ "month", "productname""""
          http("Get usage")
              StringBody(BodyStrings.ByProduct(Constants.startDate, Constants.endDate,
                s"""  "Tenant":["${Tenants.*User*} "]""",
                """ "month", "usagetype""""
          http("Get enant")
              StringBody(BodyStringsAws.ByProduct(Constants.startDate, Constants.endDate,
                s"""  "Tenant":["${Tenants.User} "]""",
                """ "month", "tenant""""
           .check( )

I run it from this class 

Could you please share your simulation.log?


Seems that it was a problem on my side.

I don’t know why but it didn’t refresh compiled class in my case in “test-classes” folder.
I recreated solution from scratch and it worked.

Probably I should use abt clean before or something similar.
I’m still pretty new to scala and sbt.
