Hi All, I am executing following scenario. It’s working fine in JMeter but when I tried the same in Gatling, it’s failing. Not sure if it’s the issue with the way variable is being saved or if it has anything to do with Gatling’s limitations.
It works fine for some of the inital samples, but then it starts failing with following error. Because the first script fails, second one doesn’t even get executed.
regex((?<=)(.*\n?)(?=)).find.exis 38 (100.0%)
ts, found nothing
package computerdatabase
import io.gatling.core.Predef._
import io.gatling.http.Predef._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
class UHONETest extends Simulation {
val httpProtocol = http.baseUrl(“url1”)
val header = Map(
“Authorization” → “Basic annnbnb267267637”)
val pl1 = scenario(“claimsummary”).exec(http(“myclaims”)
.body(ElFileBody(“ehub.txt”)).check( regex( “(?<=)(.*\n?)(?=)”).saveAs(“subid”)))
setUp(pl1.inject(rampUsers(50) during (15 seconds)).protocols(httpProtocol))