QPS is not slowing down and users are not reaching to zero at the end of test


If you see the screenshot, We are getting a sudden spike in QPS at the end of the test and in the other screenshot, you see we are getting the expected slowdown in qps, why is this wierd behaviour for same code base?

below is the code, Please help :

def resolveInjection(step: JSONObject): OpenInjectionStep = {

var stepType = step.getString(“type”)

var stepArgs = step.getJSONArray(“args”)

stepType match {

case “rampUsers” => rampUsers(Props.byNode(stepArgs.getInt(0))) during(stepArgs.getInt(1) seconds)

case “heavisideUsers” => heavisideUsers(Props.byNode(stepArgs.getInt(0))) during(stepArgs.getInt(1) seconds)

case “atOnceUsers” => atOnceUsers(Props.byNode(stepArgs.getInt(0)))

case “constantUsersPerSec” => constantUsersPerSec(Props.byNode(stepArgs.getInt(0))) during(stepArgs.getInt(1) seconds)

case “rampUsersPerSec” => rampUsersPerSec(Props.byNode(stepArgs.getInt(0))) to(Props.byNode(stepArgs.getInt(1))) during(stepArgs.getInt(2) seconds)

case “nothingFor” => nothingFor(stepArgs.getInt(0) seconds)

//Removing SpliUsers cases as it has been deprecated Gatling 3.0



def resolveThrottle(step: JSONObject): ThrottleStep = {

var stepType = step.getString(“type”)

var stepArgs = step.getJSONArray(“args”)

stepType match {

case “reachRps” => reachRps(Props.byNode(stepArgs.getInt(0))) in (stepArgs.getInt(1) seconds)

case “jumpToRps” => jumpToRps(Props.byNode(stepArgs.getInt(0)))

case “holdFor” => holdFor(stepArgs.getInt(0))



def printException(e: Exception) = {

val sw = new StringWriter()

e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(sw))



def scnList() : Seq[PopulationBuilder] = {

var testList: JSONArray = null

try {

val rawTestList: String = Source.fromFile(Props.testcase).getLines.mkString

testList = new JSONArray(rawTestList)

} catch {

case fe: FileNotFoundException =>

println(“Could not find a valid Test Case to execute.”)



case e: Exception =>



var scnCount :Int = testList.length()

var scnList = new ArraySeqPopulationBuilder

for (i ← 0 until scnCount) {

var testCase = testList.getJSONObject(i)

println("Scenario: " + testCase.getString(“api”))

var injectStepList: ArraySeq[OpenInjectionStep] = null

try {

var rampU :Int = testCase.getInt(“rampUsers”)

var rampT :Int = testCase.getInt(“rampTime”)

injectStepList = new ArraySeqOpenInjectionStep

injectStepList(0) = rampUsers(Props.byNode(rampU)) during (rampT seconds)

} catch {

case e: JSONException =>

val injectionSteps = testCase.getJSONArray(“inject”)

injectStepList = new ArraySeqOpenInjectionStep

for (j ← 0 until injectionSteps.length()) {

var step = injectionSteps.getJSONObject(j)

injectStepList(j) = resolveInjection(step)



var throttlingStepList: ArraySeq[ThrottleStep] = null

try {

var qps :Int = testCase.getInt(“qps”)

var rampT :Int = testCase.getInt(“rampTime”)

throttlingStepList = new ArraySeqThrottleStep

throttlingStepList(0) = reachRps(Props.byNode(qps)) in (rampT seconds)

throttlingStepList(1) = holdFor(Props.duration seconds)

} catch {

case e: JSONException =>

val throttlingSteps = testCase.getJSONArray(“throttle”)

throttlingStepList = new ArraySeqThrottleStep

for (k ← 0 until throttlingSteps.length()) {

var step = throttlingSteps.getJSONObject(k)

throttlingStepList(k) = resolveThrottle(step)



//scnList(i) = Scn.scenarioNames(testCase.getString(“api”)).inject(injectStepList: _*)

scnList(i) = Scn.scenarioNames(testCase.getString(“api”)).inject(injectStepList).throttle(throttlingStepList)






Any updates on this?