I have recently started using Gatling to run performance tests sending (at peek 600 rps) in ramping up fashion.
I know i can simply inject these ramps
constantUsersPerSec(100) during(1 min) constantUsersPerSec(200) during(1 min)
constantUsersPerSec(300) during(1 min)
This setup does work, but from the way i have seen others use .throttle is the right way to do it.
But using the throttle functionality just dosnt seem to work. The few set-ups it does compile in nothing happens. I have searched for every bit of documentation i can find and through many many other topics from this group, but just cant get it produce anything.
(probably more than what you need to see my mistake, but here is what i have been trying to do
object RESTrequest {
val 1Feeder = ssv(“file1.ssv”).circular
val 2Feeder = ssv(“file2.ssv”).circular
val 3Feeder = ssv(“file3.ssv”).circular
val headers_10 = Map( “Content-Type” → “”“application/json”"",
“Accept-Charset” → “”“ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7"”",
“Keep-Alive” → “”“115"”",
“Connection” → “”“keep-alive”"",
“X-Requested-With” → “”“XMLHttpRequest”""
val initiateC2C = feed(1Feeder
.basicAuth("${username}", “${password}”)
val scn = scenario(“TestScenario”).exec(RESTrequest.initiateC2C)
setUp(scn).throttle(jumpToRps(2), holdFor(10 seconds)).protocols(httpConf)
//or perhaps
setUp(scn.inject(atOnceUsers(2000)).throttle(jumpToRps(2), holdFor(10 seconds)).protocols(httpConf))
i have tried all sorts of diffrent setUp configurations, with every combo of brackets, but just not getting any luck.
It is likly there is some key bit of gataling system i dont understand, but any help would be greatly appreciated.