Results missing from Gatling stats

I am running some tests as a series of ChainBuilder objects like this:


class mytests extends Simulation {

val userinfo = ssv(common.token_file).queue

val scenario1 = scenario(sampletest").feed(userinfo).repeat(1) {




The ChainBuilder objects themselves look something like this:


object CreateItem extends BaseTestCase {

val createItem = group(“Create Item”) {
repeat(timesToRepeat, “iter”) {
exec(http(“Create Item Request”)
.formParam(“model”, BigModel) // Big model has ~12,000 characters
.exec(http(“Create Item Request2”)


The Gatling logs displayed as the test is running show the results I expect, but the simulation log has a problem which appears to be affecting the stats.js file. The “BigModel” above is truncated in the simulation log, and the next request in the log does not start on a new line, but is tacked on to the previous request instead. This results in that second request being absent from the stats.

Is there a way around this?



Please provide a way to reproduce your problem.

This appears to have been solved between 2.2.0 and 2.2.1 (I discovered this while trying to reproduce the problem on a different machine and couldn’t - the machines had differing versions).

I have not upgraded to 2.2.3 yet since there appears to be a different issue with that one breaking our Base64 decoding. I will follow up on that separately.
