Is it possible to run multiple scenarios one after another? by this I mean waiting for the result of one scenario and run another scenario after?
Is it possible to run multiple scenarios one after another? by this I mean waiting for the result of one scenario and run another scenario after?
Making it short: this is not the responsibility of the stress tool. Please use a scheduler for this, be it Jenkins (with the Gatling plugin) or the one of your choice.
Please search the ML archives for more details, this question has been asked several times.
I’ll add it to the FAQ.
Hi Stephane,
Could you tell what is the similar code in Gatling 2 M3a for the following in Gatling 1?
from the samples, I could see - setUp(
SomeScenario.scn.inject(ramp(10 users) over (10 seconds)),
SomeOtherScenario.otherScn.inject(nothingFor(30 seconds), ramp(5 users) over (20 seconds)))
how can I setup two httpconfs?
We removed per scenario protocol set up in M3a (we asked on this ML if this was fine and got no negative answer back then).
We got complains after the release, so we brought this back in master.
Hi Stephane,
brought this back in master - means available in Gatling 2.0.0-M3a or not? I wrote scenarios in Gatling1 and was trying to migrate it to 2. So will it be possible to execute 2 scenarios in Gatling 2 as in Gatling1?
2M2 & 2M4 (to be released yet): yes
2M3: no
Thank you !
Hi Stephane,
Could you update when will 2M2 & 2M4 be available?
Hi Stephane,
One more query : the latest release is going to have the the functionality of setting up two httpconfs simultaneously rt? We had this requirement and right now we are using Gatling1.5.2 for this.
We tried to set up play but it was not working for 1.5.2, so I went ahead with 2.0.3M3a and its all done.
But now could you help me on the error am getting for 1.5.2 with play framework as I need two httpconfs to be run together? I am attaching my files here. You had asked me to include GatlingConfiguration.setUp() before Runner(…).run method, could you tell me the similar for 1.5.2?
Application.scala (1.12 KB)
CAUCIDSimulation.scala (682 Bytes)
Hi Stephane,
Thank you for the update. Please find my project attached herewith.
GatlingTest.zip (1.23 MB)
I’ll give it a try, but I think there’s some Scala and sbt conflicts:
Thanks Stephane.
Hi STephane,
Could you clarify the below doubt?
I have the Gatling2 integerated with play framework. Now if I give logback.xml and gatling.conf of Gatling inside project’s conf folder, will the values be read? Or how can I override the default values?
Could you clarify the below doubt?
Actually, I was able to upgrade your project to Play! 2.2.1 and sbt 0.13
and was able to build fine.
I have the Gatling2 integerated with play framework. Now if I give
logback.xml and gatling.conf of Gatling inside project's conf folder, will
the values be read? Or how can I override the default values?
I think they would get picked up correctly.
Stephane, could you please share the gatling1.5.2 play project? That will fit all our usecases
Play < 2.1 => Scala 2.9
Play >= 2.1 => Scala 2.10
Gatling 1 => Scala 2.9
Gatling 2 => Scala 2.10
=> recent Play versions are not compatible with Gatling 1
Just to confirm, if I use Play 2.0, I should be able to run Gatling1 correct?
Probably, but you’ll face all the bugs that were in this oooooold immature version of Play that were fixed since.