Scala signature package has wrong version expected: 5.0 found: 5.2


I would like to try Gatling and started with maven plugin in Intellij IDEA (gatling/gatling-maven-plugin-demo: Showcase of the Gatling Plugin for Maven ( When I run Engine class, there are lots of errors like this one:
scalac: error while loading package, class file ‘<current_user>.m2\repository\io\gatling\gatling-app\3.5.1\gatling-app-3.5.1.jar(io/gatling/app/package.class)’ is broken
(class java.lang.RuntimeException/error reading Scala signature of package.class: Scala signature package has wrong version
expected: 5.0
found: 5.2 in package.class)

As far as I understand it means that the gatling classes were compiled with higher version of scala compiler (5.2) than current scalac expects.
I use latest gatling (3.5.1) and Scala SDK 2.12.12. There was no previous installation of Scala SDK (it’s my first experience with Scala at all).

What could be a reason for these errors?


Best regards,


Indeed, the “Installation” prerequisites documentation is misleading. (Note to self, creating a ticket about that)
3.5.0 introduced the migration to scala 2.13.

So, you have to use scala 2.13 (2.13.5 is the latest release)


Yeap, it works as expected with SDK 2.13.5.

Thanks for help! It’s good that we have found a bug in the docs :slight_smile: