I’d like to simulate a step load test with Gatling, in 2 stages:
a 1st stage of 16 Vusers with a load increase of 1 Vuser every 10 seconds, and once the stage is reached, we maintain this load for 10 min.
with the load of 16-Vuser, we add 12 Vusers with a load increase of 1 Vuser every 10 seconds, giving us a load of 28 Vusers
and maintain this load of 28-vuser for 10 minutes.
We stop all Vusers immediately.
Do you know how to write the load scenario of Gating script that satisfies the 2 steps above with the SetUp , Inject, ?
What are these Vusers doing?
All long do they stay in the test?
What do they do in their scenario? A unique journey, or do they loop? Is it realistic that they loop?
It is possible that the example code provided is not meaningful
In fact, it’s a test to send an http request encapsulating a SOAP flow to a java webservice.
I’m used to working with the XXX benchmark tool, and when we shoot in increments of 16 Vuser then 28 Vuser, for example, we proceed as I described in the previous post
which you have read
I want to try a similar load shot with the Gatling tool, I tried to read the gatling documentation for the load part Step 2: Configure virtual users (Gatling - Advanced Tutorial)
it’s not very clear to me, that’s why I asked for help in my case
I’m not familiar with this competitor, so I can’t say how they taught you.
But it seems you’re trying to push the same buttons you’re used to without having a good knowledge of what you’re actually doing.