Setup load scenario


I’d like to simulate a step load test with Gatling, in 2 stages:

  1. a 1st stage of 16 Vusers with a load increase of 1 Vuser every 10 seconds, and once the stage is reached, we maintain this load for 10 min.

  2. with the load of 16-Vuser, we add 12 Vusers with a load increase of 1 Vuser every 10 seconds, giving us a load of 28 Vusers
    and maintain this load of 28-vuser for 10 minutes.

  3. We stop all Vusers immediately.

Do you know how to write the load scenario of Gating script that satisfies the 2 steps above with the SetUp , Inject, ?

Thanks a lot

NB : my simulation code is :
package simulations

import io.gatling.core.Predef._
import io.gatling.http.Predef._

class MyFirstTest extends Simulation {

// 1 Http Conf
val httpConf = http.baseUrl(“http://localhost:8080/app/”)
.header(“Accept”, “application/json”)
.proxy(Proxy(“localhost”, 8888))

// 2 Scenario Definition
val scn = scenario(“My First Test”)
.exec(http(“Get All Games”)

// 3 Load Scenario


No offense but a load is not a number of Vusers.

What are these Vusers doing?
All long do they stay in the test?
What do they do in their scenario? A unique journey, or do they loop? Is it realistic that they loop?

No offense at all on your part

It is possible that the example code provided is not meaningful

In fact, it’s a test to send an http request encapsulating a SOAP flow to a java webservice.

I’m used to working with the XXX benchmark tool, and when we shoot in increments of 16 Vuser then 28 Vuser, for example, we proceed as I described in the previous post
which you have read

I want to try a similar load shot with the Gatling tool, I tried to read the gatling documentation for the load part Step 2: Configure virtual users (Gatling - Advanced Tutorial)

it’s not very clear to me, that’s why I asked for help in my case

Thanks a lot,

I’m not familiar with this competitor, so I can’t say how they taught you.
But it seems you’re trying to push the same buttons you’re used to without having a good knowledge of what you’re actually doing.

I recommend that you:


I’ll follow your instructions

Thanks a lot

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