I have started using gatling for benchmarking my webapp server and would like to simulate the following scenario :
- Load test the scenario with 1 user for 3 minutes
- Break/Sleep of 1 minute
- Load test the same scenario with 2 users for 3 minutes
- Break/Sleep of 1 minute
- … Continue till 20 users
I read some threads in this regards in the group and I think the way to get this done ( after reading the threads ) is as follows :
My scenario :
val scn = scenario(“Load test PDP”)
for (i ← 1 to 20) yield scn.configure.users(i).ramp(1,MINUTES).delay((i * 4), MINUTES).protocolConfig(httpConf)
I tried running the scenerio and the output that I get on console is confusing me
For example :
2013-02-27 09:53:48 1221s elapsed
---- Load test PDP -------------------------------------------------------------
Users : [################################------- ] 50%
waiting:8 / running:2 / done:10
---- Requests -----------------------------------------------------------------
What does “waiting” , “running” and “done” mean ? Sometimes waiting takes negative values .
Please let me know if I doing something wrong ?