I need to test an eCommerce website. Here is my simplified test :
val chain1 = exec(…)
val chain2 = exec(…)
val chain3 = exec(…)
val chain4 = exec(…)
val scn = scenario (“test”).exec(
/* here is what I want to do in not-scala language */
90% of users => random[1 request of chain1 + 3 request of chain2 + 2 requests of chain3] + chain4
/* the previous stuff would lead to this kind of requests => chain1, chain3, chain2, chain2, chain3, chain2, chain4 OR chain2, chain3, chain2, chain1, chain2, chain3, chain4 */
OR (randomSwitch style)
10% of users => chain4
The goal is to play 2 differents behaviors of users, where the first one have to play each request a certain number of times, because, on the website, chain1 represents 10% of viewpages, chain2 40%, etc…
I tried everything I can find… nothing works
Please help !!