[SSL][Certificate] SSL secured site, and ignore certificate warnings


I try to connect to a SSL site and i want to ignore certificate warnings. Is it possible with gatling ?
I looked at this page :
But… :slight_smile:

Thanks for your help


Are you talking about the recorder or the engine?
What’s the problem exactly?



I’m talking about the engine.
I have a https request, if i use this one with RESTClient (firefox) i have a 0 NO RESPONSE. If i open a new tab, go to the url, i have the warning “this is not a trust site, would you like to continue”, i check yes. Then, if i resend my request (still with RESTClient), it works :slight_smile:

It works like that on firefox, but it’s different with chrome…

With RESTClient on chrome we can’t overwrite the “Host” header…

I missunderstood my problem.
Now it’s :
Does the “Host” header is overwrite with the real host address in gatling (as in chrome RESTClient)?
I see that the new “Host” header is set in in the request (in the windows console), but is it true ? :smiley:

i will try wireshark :slight_smile:

Sorry, I still don’t understand the problem.
Gatling doesn’t handle Host header for you.
Gatling works well with self signed certificates.

That’s a https communication, every thing is encrypted in wireshark :frowning:
I will try an other way :slight_smile:

Use a proxy such as Charles

Ok, i’m not sure to really understand my problem too :slight_smile:

It’s just that, set a “host” header is sometime useless, cause this header is overwrite with the real host of the request in many programs (like Advanced RESTClient chrome), but not always (RESTClient firefox). :slight_smile: (maybe i’m wrong, it’s new for me)

Does gatling overwrite this header ? “Gatling doesn’t handle Host header for you.” so i don’t think so :wink:

Thanks for trying to help me :slight_smile: I will search for understand my problem, and what i really want to do :slight_smile:


2013/6/4 Théo Mosconi <theo.mosconi@harmonie-technologie.com>

Just to make sure: is the server using a certificate where the common name (cn) doesn't match the host name you supply?

Just to make sure: is the server using a certificate where the common name (cn) doesn’t match the host name you supply?

Yeah that’s it

Glad to hear!
And thanks for your help, Stefan!