Status check in Gatling 3

I attempting to upgrade to Gatling 3 and I’m encountering the following compilation error:

16-Nov-2018 16:43:55 [ERROR] found : io.gatling.core.check.CheckBuilder[io.gatling.http.check.status.HttpStatusCheckType,io.gatling.http.response.Response,Int] with io.gatling.core.check.SaveAs[io.gatling.http.check.status.HttpStatusCheckType,io.gatling.http.response.Response,Int]
16-Nov-2018 16:43:55 [ERROR] required: io.gatling.http.check.HttpCheck
16-Nov-2018 16:43:55 [ERROR] .check(, 201))
16-Nov-2018 16:43:55 [ERROR] ^

for the following code that used to work in 2.2.

http("PUT RPM")
    .put(hostedGrp1dUrl + "${rpm}")
    .body(ByteArrayBody(session => readAllBytes(session("rpm").as[Path])))
    .basicAuth("${username}", "${password}")
    .check(, 201))

My2cents: you have edited the DSL imports instead of using the core.Prefef._ and http.Predef._ ones like in the doc.

Where in the docs would that be? I don’t see anything about that on

Ah, changing:

import io.gatling.http.Predef.{http, status}

import io.gatling.http.Predef._

seemed to resolve it.


Where in the docs would that be? I don’t see anything about that on

Well, that’s the other way around :slight_smile:
Everything that is not documented in not intended for end users and might change anytime.
You will only find wildcard imports in our doc so please stick to them.
