Throttle not working?

So I have the following setup


val scn = scenario(“Users”).exec(, AjaxCalls.calls)

.throttle(reachRps(50) in (250 seconds), holdFor(50 minutes))


But when I run the engine, I only get results for a single users (all OK) and simulation finishes in seconds.

Fwiw, I am using 2.0.1.

“Throttling tries to ensure a targeted throughput with the given scenarios and their injection profiles, it’s a bottleneck.”

You’re not injecting enough load.

So I changed my setup to the following


scn.inject(rampUsers(50) over (250 seconds))
.throttle(reachRps(50) in (250 seconds), holdFor(50 minutes))


Still the simulation finished in 4-5 minutes. For some reason holdFor didn’t work or I am doing something wrong.