Triggering Gatling from Custom GUI - React/Spring Boot

I am exploring the possibility of building a custom GUI to trigger Gatling Simulation. The GUI will accept some gatling-specific parameters such as Virtual Users (VUs), which simulations to run, and some other business specific inputs.

Here are the key aspects I’m seeking guidance on:

  1. How to trigger gatling and pass on the user input as parameters to Gatling. Do I trigger the gatling plugin or run it some other way?
  2. Updating the GUI with the status of run(all simulations chosen by user).
  3. How to stop the run based on the user action on GUI.

I would greatly appreciate any insights, or examples regarding this.

Thanks in advance

Hello Ashwani,

Thank you for expressing interest in Gatling’s solutions.

We are excited to share that Gatling Enterprise Cloud, our comprehensive product, is tailored to meet your needs for an intuitive GUI in managing Gatling Simulations. This powerful platform offers:

  1. A centralized dashboard for effortless management of simulations.
  2. Easy upload of packages and initiation of simulations, with options to customize JVM and environmental parameters.
  3. Integration capabilities with various CI/CD tools, enhancing your workflow.
  4. Access to advanced metrics and detailed reports, providing insights into your performance testing.
  5. User management features, enabling better team collaboration and control.

To help you get started, we have prepared a detailed step-by-step guide. This resource will walk you through the process of setting up and leveraging the full potential of Gatling Enterprise Cloud.

We are confident that Gatling Enterprise Cloud will elevate your performance testing experience and we look forward to supporting you in this journey.
